FIREWORKS OVER GATE 16No doubt, the attendance numbers for the 2016 New York State Fair were stunning, shattering the previous record by over 106,000. It’s ironic, though hardly surprising, to realize that the amazing achievements of this year, starting with the redesign, also presented the toughest challenges and provoked the harshest criticism.

There seems to be plenty of space for 100k-plus throngs to swarm the grounds, that’s not the problem. Clearly, getting everyone in and parked was overwhelming, as traffic jams and park-and-ride hassles proved repeatedly. Then there was the challenge of people navigating the grounds, providing patronage for vendors in all corners, including those who were relocated, sometimes grudgingly.TROY INTERVIEW 16

State Fair Hound will take a stab at coming up with some suggestions, while keeping all criticism constructive. Really, how tough can you be on an entertainment venue for being too successful?

There have predictably and appropriately been numerous news reports, several indicating that Fair planners are already looking forward to improving methods and procedures. Don’t forget, the Fair and Acting Director Troy Waffner in particular, are always appreciative for feedback from the public. Submit yours on the website,

But before we go any further, thanks and congratulations are in order to the Fair staff. State Fair Hound has seen first hand how hard they work DOMINIC 16and how devoted they are to making this event one of the best of it’s kind in the nation. Over the course of the next year, The Hound will occasionally share photos of those who worked so hard. We start today with Troy, above being interviewed, and with Dominic, who spoke with obvious pride about his role in keeping the Fairgrounds looking great.

Thank you everyone. Great job.