Again this year, a couple of popular eateries have lost their permanent Fair homes as several stands have been demolished. The most noteworthy is the Grange Ox Roast, a longstanding fixture near the cattle and poultry barns. OR GONE 18But fear not, beefeaters, the landmark eatery is being relocated to just a few feet away, where Anthony’s 19th Hole (green roof) has vacated their building.

“(The Ox Roast) stand was in bad condition,” said Acting Director Troy Waffner. “That stand was to the point that to put money into it wouldn’t have made sense financially. So they’re moving to where Anthony’s was. We’ll do some sort of signage to direct people down there. Little Caesar’s didn’t come back, so we took down both those buildings and widened the street on both sides.”

The Grange Ox Roast stand is known for quality food at reasonable prices, served by a friendly volunteer staff. Proceeds support Grange programs.