Driving past the New York State Fairgrounds these days is a painful experience. EMPTY LOT 18

The 2020 Fair should be beyond the halfway point, heading into the homestretch with Labor Day weekend in sight. Instead, entrances are are locked up, the parking lots empty, the grounds abandoned.

There’s no sign of the explosion of excitement and joy that normally makes this our favorite time of year. The Governor thinks we had to cancel this year’s Fair to spare our citizens widespread and dangerous exposure to that damn virus.

If this were some other part of the country, he’d be right. CHEV COURT AUG. 16

But local folks have made the sacrifices necessary to keep infection totals very low. We deserved a chance at some form of the Fair experience by employing the same cautious practices that we’ve been following to make New York a national leader in reducing cases.

Due to this controversial decision, made by one man, we aren’t currently enjoying those majestic buildings, gyrating rides, gleeful kids and amazing critters. Your nose isn’t breathing in frying peppers, prize flowers, decomposing hay or greasy funnel cakes. There’s no music, no excited screams, no sizzling sausages.

Happier days are ahead, no doubt. But it’s over 350 days until those gates swing open for the 2021 New York State Fair. Meanwhile, disconsolate Fair fans, financially devastated business owners and idled workers are left to contemplate what might have been.