Monday is Law Enforcement Day with active and retired police officers receiving free admission by showing their credentials at the gates. There will be a ceremony at Noon at the Veteran’s Memorial. Vintage police vehicles are on display in the State Trooper area, though they won’t roll on parade this year. There are often opportunities to pat a police horse in the nearby grassy yard.

HORSE TROOPERS 18An Ocean Away From Amazon

Shoppers on the lookout for unusual, exotic gifts or souvenirs may enjoy spending time browsing the Pan African Village. PAN AF TOYS 18Clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and toys are heavily stocked under tents near the food stands.

If you’re looking for authenticity, you may want to inspect items for country of origin, but you’re certain to find some products that aren’t readily available at you neighborhood department store.

The village is a great place to start your holiday shopping or to find something to remind you of a great day at the New York State Fair.

Kitchen Views

Most of the food you buy at the New York State Fair is prepared within sight of customers and it can be almost as much fun to watch the creation as it is to eat it. MAKING DOUGH

The speed and skill that these vendors have developed over years of traveling the carnival route make their work a real show, kind of a live action version of Carnival Eats.

Not only that, you may be able to gain some insight into how to make your favorite Fair cuisine at home, though you aren’t likely to have the specialized equipment the pros use.

But you really can fry dough at home.