Women’s Day, Wednesday at the New York state Fair, reminds us that upstate New York played a major role in the women’s rights movement.

Women's Day at the New York State Fair reminds us that voting equality began in our state

Women’s Day at the New York State Fair reminds us that voting equality began in our state

New this year, the Highlight Pro Skydiving Team, which is comprised of 12 women, will jump one-by-one from an aircraft flying at 5000 feet to touch down on the Fairgrounds, beginning at Noon. Later in the day, team members will greet fairgoers at Chevy Park and Chevy Court concerts and will be available to talk to fairgoers at the booth of Fidelis Care, outside the Art & Home Center, from 4 to 6 p.m.

Other special events generally include a luncheon with a guest speaker or two.

 Fast Break

Excitement builds as the ticket taker processes you and you step onto the grounds of the New York State Fair. Now what?

There’s surely something you find enticing, no matter which way you turn. That glorious food smell makes you immediately hungry. MEDIAN 16You hear music, glimpse the tops of the midway rides, see color, lights and glitz in every direction.

There’s great stuff no matter which direction you walk, but you can increase your chance of having a truly terrific time if you come in with a plan.

Start compiling your agenda by prioritizing events that run on a schedule, like concerts, animal acts, parades and performances like Iroquois dances or Hilby shows. Make sure, as you you fit them into your plan, you consider what may be in the same locale that you also enjoy.

Get out your Fair map and look for ways to save steps by going from one attraction to another in an orderly fashion. For instance, if you want to see the flower display in the Horticulture Building, remember that just outside the door is the State Parks area with the inspiring Hawk Creek birds and camping and boating exhibits. OWL HOLD

Next stop could be a tour of a major building or a Chevy Court Show.

If you time it so you get there at lunch time, you’re near the Eatery (International Building) not far from several popular food stands. If you’re a typical Fair devotee, you have a can’t-miss food favorite or two, so work that vendor into your itinerary.

You get the idea. Think before you start walking and you’ll have a better, less tiring Fair experience.

In It To Win It

It’s always fun to scout the variety of prizes being offered to gamers who are fortunate to win on the Wades Shows midway. SLOTH 19Stuffed animals of all sizes and descriptions are the classic rewards for a ball well-tossed, a plate shattered or a balloon popped, but it seems that things change with the times.

Toys, framed photos, tableware, clothing and even live goldfish can also be won through skill and luck.

Even if the prize winds up in a closet or gets sold in a garage sale, you get to keep the memory of the proud moment that you beat the system. SF2014-3NL 108

If the prize matters to you, question the carny in charge before you play to be sure you know what it takes to win and what your reward will be.