State Fair Hound readers may have felt a little deja vu when they read an editorial in Sunday’s Post-Standard about the traffic and parking issues that continue to plague the New York State Fair. BUTTER BY NICK 19Not only is the theme a familiar one in Hound posts, the P-S even included the following comment: “… the fair risks becoming the punchline of Yogi Berra’s joke: Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”

You have read that before right here on Oct. 4, 2018 in a post titled “Was Yogi Right?”

It could be a coincidence, but either way, it’s good to keep the conversation going about how to make a trip to the State Fair less difficult on busy days.

As always, State Fair Hound has some ideas to share, so watch for that here in coming days and maybe later in the Post-Standard.