You never know what happy surprises you may encounter at the New York State Fair and several Fair fans got an unexpected treat when former Director Troy Waffner was spotted visiting restaurant row on Aug. 31. Troy looked relaxed and happy as he renewed acquaintances with well-wishers, including your State Fair Hound reporter. TROY INT 19He flashed the wit and warmth that made him very popular with State Fair staff, vendors and visitors alike during his run as director.

The Hound could have asked nosy questions about his unexplained departure for another job with the State Department of Agriculture and Markets, but putting him on the spot isn’t how you treat a friend, so we didn’t.

And we don’t regret it.

It was reassuring to see Troy (pictured in a Nick LoPresti photo from 2019) looking well and content. The 2022 State Fair is going smoothly and winning back fans after a couple of very tough years, largely thanks to the development and guidance of Troy Waffner. It’s good that he’s there to enjoy it with us.