You may have seen a news report that two people were killed and 22 more injured in a weather-related tent collapse at a Walker Brothers Circus performance in New Hampshire. That same circus makes its return to the New York State Fair this year.

Should you be worried about your family’s safety while attending our Fair. In a word, no.

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When you look at our history, it’s very impressive how few serious injuries or safety problems have occurred over the years. While luck plays a role, it’s mostly sound planning, attention to detail and hard work by Fair administrators and personnel that have led to an exemplary safety record.

Of course two people lost their lives in a freak windstorm that caused cancellation of the Fair on Labor Day, 1998. As sad as it was for the families of the victims, it could have been worse. Obviously, you can’t really prepare for that type of weather event.

But you can inspect rides, design buildings and tents, monitor safe practices in food preparation and show performances and prepare rescue and medical personnel for whatever may come.

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When you attend, follow reasonable guidelines and supervise children from arrival to departure. If you do your part, you can be certain that the Fair is doing its part.