The temporary closing of the orange parking lot midday on Aug. 25 should infuriate drivers who needed parking to attend the New York State Fair. PKG. LOT TUBAThe lot was closed to traffic for a few hours in order to assure that fans heading out to the amphitheater would be able to pull into one of the narrow spaces that evening.

Did you get that? People going to the Fair were inconvenienced, perhaps significantly, to accommodate the misplaced, ill-conceived concert venue. Thus the question of why there are amp shows held during the 13-day run of the Fair becomes more mystifying.

It’s bad enough that evening State Fair traffic is catastrophically impacted several times each year, now people can’t even plan on that huge parking lot being available for the Fair as intended when it was paved at great expense to taxpayers.

We know that it’s pointless to expect the promoter to hold off on shows. They care nothing about Fair patrons and not much more about their own concert ticket holders if there’s money to be made. RAMP SIGNS 15But state and/or county government officials have to step in and demand suspension of concerts during that Fair. There will still be plenty of dates to book shows at the amp, so holding off for two weeks is the best plan for fans of both the concerts and the Fair.

Just do it.